Will Baking Soda Clean Dog Poop From Carpet? (Read This!)

If you have a dog who loves to snack on human food and occasionally makes a mess, then you need to know what your options are as far as home remedies for cleaning dog poop from carpet goes. In this article, we’ll explore whether or not baking soda will clean your dog’s poop from your carpet.

You will be able to use baking soda to clean dog poop from your carpet because baking soda has cleaning, disinfecting, and odor neutralizing properties that will make cleaning dog poop from your carpets effective.

Details On The Reasons Why Baking Soda Will Clean Dog Poop From Carpet

Here are the details on why baking soda will clean dog poop from your carpets.

1. Baking Soda Has Cleaning Properties

One of the first reasons why baking soda can clean dog poop from carpet is that baking soda itself has cleaning properties.

This means you don’t need to worry about the chemical strength of baking soda when you’re using it to clean up after your pet.

These cleaning properties allow it to safely remove stains and smells connected to dog poop from carpeting.

2. Baking Soda is an Odor Neutralizer

Another great reason why baking soda can clean dog poop from carpet has to do with the fact that baking soda is an odor neutralizer.

This means if you use it to remove stains and smell connected to the dog poop from the carpet, then you won’t have to worry about the smell of dog poop lingering in your home.

If this is something that concerns or bothers you, then you’ll be happy to know that baking soda will neutralize the smell of dog poop and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.

3. Baking Soda Has Disinfectant Properties

Baking soda will not only clean the poop stains from your carpets but will also disinfect the area where your dog pooped.

Baking soda also has mild anti-fungal properties that can prevent the growth of mold and mildew after the accident.

This means that if your dog has made a mess outside of the designated bathroom area or if your dog steps in poop and tracks it onto your carpet then baking soda will clean it up and sanitize your carpet so that you don’t have to worry about it becoming a breeding ground for bacteria or mold.

This is great because you will not have to get additional products to clean or disinfect your carpet after you have used baking soda.

4. Baking Soda Contains Moisture-Absorbing Starch

The next reason why baking soda can clean dog poop from carpet has to do with the fact that it contains moisture-absorbing starch that can help deal with even your dog’s watery stool.

This is one of the reasons why it’s an effective stain remover and odor neutralizer. The starch absorbs excess moisture in the carpet, which allows it to remove both stains and smells from your carpet without letting the watery stool soak deep into your carpet.

This is great news for pet owners, especially those who have dogs with diarrhea issues or incontinence problems.

A simple rule of thumb is when combined with a pet-specific cleaner, you should be able to remove the stain and smell from your carpeting in no time at all.

Those who have used baking soda to clean dog poop from carpet know that it works wonders and is a great way for pet owners to handle these kinds of messes without having to worry about the pet products they are using.

5. Baking Soda is Non-Toxic, So You Can Clean With It Safely

The next reason why baking soda can clean dog poop from carpet is that it’s non-toxic.

This means you don’t need to worry about the safety of your children or pets when you use this product.

You can be sure that they won’t come into contact with baking soda when you use it to clean dog poop from the carpet.

The best part is you don’t even need to wear protective gear when cleaning up dog poop with baking soda.

You can get started right away without worrying about safety issues. When you add this to the fact that baking soda is an odor neutralizer, then you can see why it’s such a great choice for removing stains and smells connected to dog poop from carpeting.

6. Baking Soda Will Not Harm Your Carpet

The next reason why baking soda can clean dog poop from carpet is that it won’t harm your carpet. Baking soda is tough on poop stains and very gentle on the carpet material.

This means you don’t need to worry about the carpet not recovering or getting ruined if you use this product to remove stains and smells connected to dog poop.

With that said, it’s always important to test a small area of the carpet before you start using baking soda on your entire carpets.

This way, if there is a problem, you can isolate the small area and fix it before it becomes an issue for your entire carpet.

The bottom line here is that you don’t have to worry about the safety of your carpet when using baking soda.

How To Use Baking Soda To Clean Dog Poop From Carpet

The way you use baking soda to clean dog poop from your carpet is pretty easy.

Step One:

  • You will want to start by removing as much of the dog poop from your carpeting as you can.

This is important because you don’t want to use baking soda on the poop itself.

Step Two:

  • Once you have removed as much of the dog poop from your carpeting, then all you need to do is to sprinkle baking soda onto the affected area.
  • After this, you will want to let it sit there for at least thirty minutes before vacuuming it up. The longer you allow the baking soda to sit there, the better.

Step Three:

  • After you have allowed your baking soda to sit for thirty minutes or more, then all you have to do is vacuum it up.
  • If you do not have a vacuum, you can use a broom to sweep it up.
  • Once you are done, your carpeting will be free of stains and smells connected with dog poop.

Other Ways To Remove Dog Poop Stains From Your Carpet If You Don’t Have Baking Soda

If you don’t have baking soda, but want to find a way to clean dog poop stains from your carpeting, then there are other options you can try.

Hydrogen Peroxide And Dish Soap

One option is to use hydrogen peroxide and dish soap mixed together in a spray bottle. This solution will break down the poop, so you don’t have to worry about using harsh chemicals on your carpet.

Step One:

  • Start by removing any excess dog poop from the affected area.

Step Two:

  • Mix the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in a spray bottle. Use a ratio of one part hydrogen peroxide to two parts dish soap.

Step Three:

  • Once you have completed mixing the solution, then all you need to do is spray it onto the affected area of your carpeting.

Step Four:

  • Allow this solution to sit for at least fifteen minutes before vacuuming the carpeting.
  • The longer you allow the solution to sit on your carpet, the better.

Step Five:

  • After at least fifteen minutes have passed, then you need to vacuum the area where the dog poop was. If you do not have a vacuum, any broom will work just fine for this.
  • The good thing about this solution is that it won’t harm your carpeting, unlike other options out there. It’s also inexpensive and you can make it at home.

Baking Soda And Vinegar Solution

Another option is to use a baking soda and vinegar solution on your carpeting.

Step One:

  • You will want to remove any excess dog poop from the affected area of your carpet before using this solution on it.

Step Two:

  • Next, you will want to mix up a solution of one cup white distilled vinegar, two cups water, and one tablespoon baking soda.

Step Three:

  • After you have completed this, then all you need to do is spray the solution onto your carpeting and
  • If the dog poop is not removed, you will want to allow the solution to sit for at least thirty minutes before removing it.
  • The longer that this mixture sits on your carpet, the better.
  • After this time has passed, then you will want to use a vacuum cleaner or broom and dustpan to remove the solution from your carpeting.
  • The biggest upside of this option is that it’s inexpensive and non-toxic. Also, you probably already have all of the ingredients at home.

Water And Vinegar Solution

Another option you can try is a water and vinegar solution. This solution is another non-toxic option.

Step One:

  • Mix one cup of white distilled vinegar with two cups of warm water in a spray bottle.

Step Two:

  • Spray the solution onto your carpeting and allow it to sit for at least thirty minutes before removing it. The longer that the solution sits on your carpet, the better.

Step Three:

  • After at least thirty minutes have passed, then you need to use a cleaning carpet brush to scrub the carpeting lightly. This will help to remove any excess dog poop.

Step Four:

  • After you have brushed your carpet, then all you need to do is allow the carpet to dry.
  • This solution won’t harm your carpeting, but the downside is that it’s not as strong as other options.
  • It’s also not the most inexpensive option, but it is non-toxic and you probably already have all of the ingredients at home.

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